Various customers slowly amble around the tables and bookshelves, some looking for a specific book while others are just browsing, looking at the books that catch their glances. Outside, the rain has turned into a downpour. The sound of thousands of buckets of water hit the roof, making it sound as if wave upon wave was crashing into the building itself. However, everyone seems to ignore the storm rampaging outside, turning rather to the current conversation they are engaged in or the book they are reading. One older man reads quietly in an aisle, but he is soon interrupted by a cell phone call. Another couple stand around the section of classic books ranging from Oliver Twist to Frankenstein.
The employees of the bookstore are at their various tasks. An older lady is helping a young woman find a specific book for what sounds like a Spanish class she is taking. Another woman is seemingly hidden behind the bookshelves in the chapter book section, shelving the newest arrivals of junior high literature. Another employee arrives, drenched from the downpour outside as her coworkers laugh at her now very soggy appearance. The rain, though, seems to have gone just as soon as it has come, and there even seems to be light shining from the west as the storm moves farther away.