Sunday, November 18, 2007

Free as a bird....

I really never watched music videos. I still don’t. Perhaps it is because I didn’t watch many of them when I was younger, so that now I really have no interest in them. However, there are a few music videos that have caught my attention over the years. One of those videos being “Free as a Bird” by the Beatles.
For some reason, about eleven or twelve years ago, my older brother was going through a sort of “Beatles” craze and he was grabbing books, videos, documentaries, and basically any other sort of thing that had to do with that band. I had known who they were and was quite familiar with at least their most popular songs such as “I Want to Hold Your Hand” and “Yellow Submarine”, but I became much more acquainted with the band of the past through the influence of my brother. He began watching a VHS of The Beatles Anthology, a documentary detailing the history of the band. On that documentary was this music video.
This was the first music video that really struck me for some reason. The song is somewhat melancholy, yet not in a negative sort of way. It is a video that looks back at the past years with fondness for the good times and sadness over that bad times. It seems to be a mix of nostalgia for the past with contentment with the present. The Beatles are almost legendary, so it is a very peculiar thing to realize that the four guys were human with their own personalities, hopes, and faults. These mythic musicians were actually were now viewed from a different perspective, and this music video showed an interpretation of their vulnerability.


ENG 001: Language & Writing said...

Ah, the Beatles. I was always the kid who said I liked the Beatles..but really never listened to them. Ever. Even when I started hanging out with a girl who was Beatles-obsessed, the best I got was a collection of their number-ones. At that point it got worse--I became the kid who said I liked the Beatles, but secretly hated them. In some ways I still do really dislike the Beatles; their sugar coated pop songs are vomit-inducing, and the hold they still have over pop culture is a bit puzzling. But once someone does delve into the Beatles' distinct personalities and vices and starts examining some of their lesser known musical offerings, it's much easier to have an appreciation for the group, perhaps even a fondness. I'd recommend "Blackbird."

Anonymous said...

It sounds like your brother really influenced your music exposure. I have to say he’s got pretty good taste, Radiohead and the Beatles fit right into my personal favorite music genres. I just went into my Beatles obsession when “Across the Universe” hit movie theatres, and I had some of the same realizations. The Beatles were an awesome band who had so many different sounds, but they really were four very different guys. Just look at where they all ended up, one became a pop icon, another an outspoken activist who was killed, and the other two faded into obscurity. I’d never even heard this song before, so thanks for the introduction!