Sunday, November 11, 2007

there there

This is a weird music video. It really is. The way it is shot, the action that takes place, the special effects, pretty much everything. I first heard of Radiohead from my brother. When I was freshman in high school, he would drive us to school, and because he was the one driving, he was the one who chose the music we listened to. I hated that. He would pick “weird” music, and I would complain and nag that I hated it and so on. There was even a point where I just brought along my c.d. player to listen to so I wouldn’t be forced to listen to the stuff he was playing.
That was a long time ago it seems. I now have a great appreciation for his music, even to the degree that I now name many of the artists and songs he played as some of my favorite bands and songs. The transition was slow, but sure. I remember when I first saw this music video. We were at his friends house after school one day, and I was dragged along because he was my ride, so where he went, I had to go also. We were going to stay for just a “minute”, but that soon changed into two hours. When he showed me this music video, I was just humoring him so that we could hopefully leave soon. Now that I look at it again four years later, my opinion has completely changed. Not only do I like the music, but I guess I even have a fondness for it. It brings back so many memories. It brings back memories of that really awkward first year of high school. It brings back memories of driving that half hour to school at 7:30 in the morning. It was a simple time. Who would have guessed that a music video that I once despised now brings back to mind such great times and fond memories.

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